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[FOTO] Conosci il #nakedyoga? No? Come no?!

Tribù Golosa

Il corpo umano è un'opera d'arte! E ora che abbiamo scoperto l'hashtag #yoganaked ne siamo ancora più convinti!  



I love lists and today I did my: Alphabet of Happiness and Good Life! ❤ A ccept B reakfast C uriosity D reams E nthusiasm F amily G oal H ealth I nspiration J oy K indness L ove M editation N ature O penness P hotography Q uestions R estaurants S oulmate T ravel U niqueness V egetables W ork X -jump Y oga Z zzz - sleep ❤

Une photo publiée par Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl) le



I love this picture. It so accurately depicts Max and my relationship - being able to completely shed all my layers to be raw and vulnerable, but fully supported to live my life in any way (or shape) I choose ❤ Love you babe ðŸ˜Â Thanks for capturing the moment @amygpics ðŸ™Â

Une photo publiée par AcroYoga with Max & Liz (@maxandlizacro) le



I love "the click" in life - the moment when you know that this is it. Usually we don't stop shooting the pose before I'm happy, when I've got my pose in the kind of balance that I feel all my lines and shapes are as symmetrical and sharp as I can do. I know when the photo is good even if I haven't seen it. ❤ It's the same when I'm behind the camera, I just see it when it works, when the light, perspective and crop is right and then I press the button. Sometimes I don't find it at all, but when I see it, I see it. This click comes also with ideas and problems.. Actually in everything. Usually I don't quit before I get the feeling that "this is it". Maybe it's intuition,  when you just know, when you can feel strongly that this is the best I can do. I don't want to compromise and settle for anything else. ❤ I'm happy that I've searched for the same kind of feeling in life as in poses during shootings: Here is balance, here is my best version of me, here is what I want to be, here I can breathe and stay. Many times it reguires many tries, some falls...but everytime I'm a step closer. And I just love the feeling of when I've reached it. I maybe don't even know what I'm looking for but when I find it, I know it. ❤

Une photo publiée par Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl) le



"Could I, open my veins, let you, climb deep inside? Could I, taste all my life blood mixed with yours? Lonliness is hard to rid when you're stuck inside your mind. Forever we will bleed, forever we will cry. Hold me close, feel my breath. Let me in your empty chest, let me breathe, oh let me breathe." -(Epithelial by Crywolf w/ Echos) My head against your chest, your beautiful chest. I could taste life in your heavenly breath. We've been at this thing a long time, my Love, for many, many lives. Many, many versions of us have come and gone, and I know there will be countless more times. Oh, but what I wouldn't give for one more taste, one more touch, one more moment of your extraordinary love ♡♡♡ #nakedyogaartist #nakedyoga #omgirl #yogaisart #tattooedyogi #crywolf #loveandalliscoming #yogaoffthemat #loveconquersall #wordsoflove #wordporn #yogaphotography #yogagirl #yogaismypassion #freespirit #soulmate #spiritualwarrior #twinflame #love #raiseyourvibration #awakening #shirtlesssundayclub #yogisdoitbetter #thisismyyoga

Une photo publiée par Abra Rose (@lonewolfyoga) le




I was TOTALLY amazed how many comments and how beautiful words you wrote to me in my last photo... Thank you so much! Being honest, you really got me moved by your comments and messages. ❤ I also got a lot of extra motivation and now my mission is even more clear to me. I want to share my message with as many as possible. ❤ï¸Â There is at least three things that I have learned through this account. I knew them theoretically, but now I believe them 100%. ❤ 1. “Great things never come from comfort zones.” -For first this account was totally out of my comfort zone and I really needed encouragement from my boyfriend to continue. ❤ï¸Â 2. “Sometimes people around you won't understand your journey. They don't need to, it's not for them.” –But it's for me, and maybe for hundreds of thousands of others. ❤ï¸Â 3. “It always seems impossible until it's done.” –If someone would have said one year ago that I would have almost half a million people looking at my photos and reading my thoughts... That would have been a bad joke! ❤ï¸Â So if I can, you can. Believe in your dreams. Believe in yourself. Try try try. And really, you can surprise. Hugs, you really make my day with your comments –everyday! ❤

Une photo publiée par Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl) le



Memories of summer #laketahoe #humansmagazine #artnudemodel #artsyphoto #visualvoicemag #artnude #analoguevibes #fineartnude #nakidmag #fotodome #earth_portraits #fineartnude #offtherailsmag #pr0ject_uno @instanude #nakedyoga

Une photo publiée par pgherbster (@pgherbster) le




The most free person in the world is the one with nothing to hide 💕✨ #lines4dayz #yoga #yogi #yogainspiration #yogachallengeaddict #nakedyoga #yogaeverydamnday #octoberyogachallenge #recliningpose #flexible #yogauk

Une photo publiée par Daniellefivefreedomsyoga (@nellcloughyoga) le



I'm not afraid of ageing... It's natural. I have never written about ageing yet, but I think that it's one thing that many people worry about. ❤ If everyone would just be happy with all the ageing marks, how many companies would go out of business?! It's the same if people would learn to love and appreciate their bodies exactly the way they are. We get the idea of eternal youth from everywhere around us and I think that trend is against nature. ❤ Of course it's good when we speak about mental and soul related things. Age is just a number and it's never too late to chase dreams, learn new things and play around like a child. It's good when we try to eat vitamins, stay positive and breath deeply so that we will stay as young as possible to be healthy. ❤ But every not-that-healthy botox thing etc.. Do we really need something like that? Why should we always look like early twenties..?! Yes I know, I'm still 26, but I hope that we could live in a world where years and ageing can been seen on our faces and bodies. Scars, wrinkles and changes tell our life story. I'm not afraid of ageing in a natural way. Now I'm happy that I'm not any younger because I'm now wiser and I have more experience... I think I will appreciate those things also in the future. ❤ And really being charming, amazing and beautiful is not age-dependent. I don't believe in age. I believe in kindness, positivity, energy and passion. It's never too late. And you will always be beautiful exactly the way you are in every different age. ❤ï¸Â

Une photo publiée par Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl) le



I'm curious, I'm my natural self in the photos... Nude and raw. What do you think: Are there more men or women among you?! 🙂 ❤ Will let you know the right answer this weekend! And what I think about it. #IGanalytics

Une photo publiée par Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl) le



Йога в глубине души ❤ï¸Â Фото @a_zabruskova Руководит процессом @ganipati

Une photo publiée par Yana Morgan (@ulikemorgan) le



Downdoggin that sunset @onedowndog #artmodellife #westonworkshop #nakedyoga #lovemylife #joshuatree

Une photo publiée par Catherine Weiss (@nerdgirl) le
















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